So we have a new little occupant in our backyard...a little brown bunny! Several months ago a hole popped up back by our storage shed. After weeks of Praying that it was not something awful and ruling out the fact that neither JT or I were randomly digging holes just for fun, we finally encountered the little fella. We bought this house last year as our first home. When your a first time homeowner you don't really think about things like spiders wanting to share your house with you or a bunny who looks like your dogs toy setting up shop in your backyard! New procedures had to be put in place to make sure Bella did not think that this bunny was her toy! Over the last several weeks the bunny has become braver showing himself more often & Bella has become more fascinated with her new little friend. The Bunny & the Pit Bull...what a sight! Since the bunny has decided to stick around we thought he could use a name. Introducing "Tawny Port"...
He hides in my flower bed...maybe one day I will catch him sitting upright on his hind legs like he does sometimes which is oh so cute! To explain the name choice...I mentioned in an earlier post that my uncle introduced me to his own concoction of wine. Well, it is equal parts Merlot & port wine mixed together! Try it, it is absolutely yummy! While shopping for the port wine I accidentally grabbed a bottle of Tawny port wine. The difference? Tawny Port is aged in wooden barrels, gradually mellowing to a golden-brown color and gives off a sweet nutty flavor, while Port wine is red in color and not as aged. I just like the name... our little brown Tawny Port!
Adorable! What a sweet little bunny! You should put some lettuce and carrots out for him!