Lots of new things!
Towards the end of last year I mentioned that our wedding photos would be posted on here. Life takes over and I am just now stopping and thinking back on our beautiful day. I decided to browse back through the 400 or so images and it got me thinking... the best thing you can do as a bride is hire a brilliant photographer! One that fits your style and personality. The images are your time capsule of that special moment, yours to keep and enjoy forever. All the facial expressions, your embraces and all the other little details that somewhat fade in your memory with time. I am so thankful that I found Aubrey. She captured the rustic, southern romance feel that I was looking for. Plus I found out I was pregnant two days before the big day. So, the pictures are even more special!!
You can view Aubrey's work here:
This is our Save-the-date that I designed. I had them printed off and then I made them into magnets.
These are the programs that I made for the ceremony.
(Front Side)
I love vintage burlap banners! I decided for my wedding I wanted to get a little crafty and attempt to make my own version. I selected four different fabrics from a local fabric store going by the color scheme that I choose. I love blue and orange together (as long as they are a good simmered down hue and not too bright or tacky). I also love gray! So two tones of blue, two tones of gray, soft gold & ivory were the main colors. Orange was the accent color. The colors of nature plus my color palette all presented a very rustic, warm display with a little bit of color for flair. Back to the banner...I choose the saying "Love Birds" because it fits us, two free spirits completely in love with each other.Plus I have a THING for birds...love them! The rest of the put together process was just some good ol' crafting...cutting, hot gluing, & hand stitching!

I always knew I wanted Hydrangeas. Ever since I was a little girl in Georgia running around my Great Grandmother Ivie's house, I have loved hydrangeas. She grew large blue hydrangea bushes on one side of her house. Every time we visited her in Stone Mountain Georgia I would cut one stem off and hold on to it all day long...or a least until it wilted. It was only fitting that this was my wedding flower.To add a little variety I used white and blue Hydrangeas. I bought them wholesale online and then my sister & I cut and processed them when they arrived the day before the wedding.
I also love the softness of feathers, so Iwanted to incorporate them somehow. This is the finished maid of honors bouquet that I made and it encompasses most of my color palettes.
*Side story: I took a pregnancy test the day my sister & I processed the flowers. The kitchen was consumed by hydrangeas, my sister was cutting away and I was standing in the bathroom looking down at a white stick that had "Pregnant" appear on it...STUNNED! I walked out and showed my sister the stick. We laughed and cryed tears of joy while we hugged. I kept saying "Oh my goodness" and my sister was just as shocked as I was. I called my husband (Because I could not wait) and told him we were pregnant. His voice was so cute...it went a couple octives higher with excitement and I could feel how happy he was! It was a beautiful day!
For my bouquet I went with simple & elegant white Hydrangeas.
Hydrangeas in mason jars for center pieces...can't get more southern than that.
The final centerpieces for the tables were an assortment of hydrangeas in mason jars, empty wine bottles that we took labels off of and put battery operated twinkly lights down into each bottle, along with tea lights and moss. I used the same four fabrics that were in the burlap "love birds" banner and made a decorative, fabric focal point for the middle of each table (My beautiful friend Ashli helped me accomplish all the cutting of these. The scalloped edging was an idea I got from Martha Stewart) . The tables had sheer linens on them in shades of ivory, peach and baby blue. Then this special fabric held each center piece. I loved when the sun went down how everything twinkled!
These were the main DIY projects for our special day!